Ngā kōrero tono - Applicant information

At MBIE we want to make applying to work with us as clear and easy to understand as possible. Our inclusive application process encourages you to showcase your whole self; often our richest life experiences are gained outside the work place - through volunteering, family life, or involvement with church and the community.

Here, it’s not about seeing how you perform under pressure, but rather fostering an environment where you feel comfortable to talk about all the different sides to you.  This helps us to create a diverse workforce that better reflects the population that we serve.

At every stage of our recruitment process, you’re supported and treated with respect. We work with you through the process to ensure any individual needs are accommodated – ensuring accessibility for all. We will communicate with you during all stages of our recruitment process.

Tukanga tono a ipurangi - Online application process

All available MBIE positions are advertised here on our careers portal. To apply you’ll need to  complete the online application form, attaching your CV, a cover letter.    

If you can’t find the right position for you, register your details and we’ll email you when suitable roles arise.

Tāu tāhuhu tangata me te reta mō te mahi - Your CV and cover letter

A well-prepared cover letter and tailored CV will help you making a good first impression.

Remember, we’re interested in understanding much more than just your professional background and skills. We encourage you to include any community activities, volunteer work or special achievements and interests outside of your working life – it may not seem much to you, but it helps us to build a picture of you as a person, not just a candidate for a role.

For more useful information on how to write a cover letter, CV and templates, please read these tips on

Whilst we have no expectation about a particular style or format here’s a few pointers to help you get started;

  • Keep your cover letter short and tell us why you are interested and which key attributes you can bring to the role.
  • Don’t repeat in detail what is already in your CV, however, referring to your CV is fine.
  • Are your cover letter and CV easy to read? Think about letter font you will use, paragraphs, are sentences not too long, use of bullet points, etc.
  • Use someone you trust as a proof reader.  Also, check for grammar and spelling mistakes!  
  • Are you using a standard CV, or are there elements you can tailor or move around so it is easier for us to pick up your relevant skills and experience to the job you are applying for?

Whakatakatū uiuinga - Panel interview preparation

The interview panel will consist of two or three people and will take approximately one hour including time allocated for you to ask questions. We use competency-based interviews with behavioural questions.  These questions help us assess how well you can demonstrate the competencies that are required for the position. 

Behavioural questions take the form of “Tell us about a time…” or “Give us an example of when…” and require you to talk about specific examples from your work experience.  You should try to think about examples that are more relevant to the role wherever possible.  

One way to structure your answers to these questions is to use the STAR format:

  • Briefly outline the Situation or Task; 
  • Describe what Action you took and why, 
  • Explain what the Result or outcome was. This can include what you learnt and anything you would do differently in hindsight

As part of the interview process you may be asked to prepare a brief presentation or complete an exercise. This will be discussed with you prior to the interview. 

Ētahi atu Aromatawai - Other Assessments

Whilst assessments are not part of our standard recruitment process, for some specialist roles or leadership roles they may be required.  We will make sure that what we assess is relevant for the role and looked at as part of the whole process.  We will inform you what these assessments are, how they work and what you need to prepare or bring if applicable.

The Leadership Success Profile (LSP) is a leadership capability framework, developed by the New Zealand public sector for the New Zealand public sector.  It creates a common language for leadership and establishes what great leadership looks like.  You can look at the twelve underpinning capabilities and four leadership characters here: Leadership Success Profile | Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission

Ngā kaiwhakaū (mahi) - Referees

Obtaining references is an important part of our process.  In some instances, we may use a digital process provided via Xref, but in most cases we will speak to your referees directly. For internal candidates, we require one referee who is their current manager, for external candidates we require two, one of which must be their current or most recent direct manager.