Mō mātou - About MBIE

MBIE is one of New Zealand Government’s largest agencies.

We strive to grow a strong New Zealand economy, where all New Zealanders can enjoy the best possible quality of life. The scale and diversity of our operation is impressive; a career with MBIE will offer you interesting, varied and meaningful work that makes a real difference to the lives of New Zealanders.

Growing New Zealand for All requires a broad and talented workforce - the work we do each day is as varied as the skills required to deliver it. Our 5,000- strong team work in many different roles across 39 locations throughout New Zealand, and 14 offices globally.

We operate across eight business Groups; Corportate Services,Finance and Enablement, Immigration NZ,Building Resources and Markets, Labour Science and Enterprise,Kānoa Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit, Te Waka Pūtahitanga, Te Whakatairanga Service Delivery as well as the Digital Data and Insights Group

Are you ready to join us?

Mā tāu rouroa mā taku rouroa ka ora ai te iwi - When we're successful, Aotearoa New Zealand is successful.

To achieve success and realise the Government’s economic priorities, MBIE must deliver:

Taurikura me te whataurutau urutau - Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

Taurikura me te whataurutau urutau - Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

The world will continue changing at an increasing pace, and people, sectors and regions need to adapt to this to ensure prosperity now and in the future. Taking a lens on each of these segments allows us to identify where to build on strengths or address barriers.

He tāngata pūkenga/Tāngata matatau - Skilled people who’re engaged in safe and fulfilling work

He tāngata pūkenga/Tāngata matatau - Skilled people who’re engaged in safe and fulfilling work 

MBIE supports a responsive labour market where people make best use of their skills. Fulfilling work opportunities provide satisfaction, fair and adequate remuneration, without harming a person’s physical or mental well-being.

Hunga whaimōhio - Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

Hunga whaimōhio - Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

A market with appropriate checks and balances reduces costs and complexity for firms and individuals, and increases everyone’s confidence in their economic participation and transactions.

Toitū te Taiao - Sustainably derived value from our natural environment

Toitū te Taiao  - Sustainably derived value from our natural environment

Our environment is important for our culture and identity as a country and for our well-being. Our environment also supports our economic performance. We want to manage our taonga, our natural resources sustainably when deriving economic value from them.

Pakihi Hihiri - Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connection

Pakihi Hihiri - Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connection

As a small, geographically isolated export-oriented nation, our international connections are critically important. International skills, capital, ideas and networks help New Zealand build scale and competitiveness.

To Mātou Aronga - Our Direction

To Mātou Aronga - Our Direction

To Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All, we put people at the heart of our mahi. Based on the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi, we are committed to upholding authentic partnerships with Māori. As agile public service leaders, we use our breadth and experience to navigate the ever changing world. We are service providers, policy makers, investors and regulators. We engage with diverse communities, businesses and regions.

MBIE’s work is integral in building Aoteroa New Zealand’s economy.

The scale and diversity of our operation is vast- a career with MBIE offers you interesting, varied and meaningful work that makes a real difference to the lives of New Zealanders.